By the Café

The following is an excerpt from a forthcoming novel by Amérique Nakamura

In the lobby of the old hotel was a fountain. Within it was a stone face. The face was the face of a young child, a girl, scrunched in concern of some very serious thought, surely. Her hair was tied on each side in braids and fell gently, though stone, atop each almost-bare shoulder as she wore a light sundress. She sat on her little island as if on the edge of something and about to fall in but in that something there was nothing—the water wouldn’t flow from the fountain until closer to the evening and it was only close to close to evening. He knew this. From where he sat in the hotel café he could see the fountain in the hotel lobby. The girl was but one part of a much grander design but ideology prevented him from seeing past the individual. He looked at the face long enough until it seemed to reflect him rather than some pale imitation.

He sipped his coffee. He asked it without cream. We’re all out of cream, they said, all we have is milk. He got it without milk.

He was nearly done until she arrived and took the seat opposite him. He looked from her stone face to her stone face.

Continue reading “By the Café”


Don’t write poetry
just write poetically
and if you try to
I’ll fucking kill you!


Alright, so I was going to write a short story in my usual style, you know, quick setup of a scenario or situation, two or three characters, then let the dialogue carry it through. As much as I love dialogue, I don’t want to get too rigid or worse, stale, so I’m trying this approach, since there’s something I’m trying to get at. I’ll write a short story about the short story I was going to write.

Continue reading “Anti-novel”

A short break from a busy but otherwise pleasurable day

“I just want my cup of coffee.”

Three steps out of the firm’s office–already he was interrupted.

“Harvey–I was just in the area and I wanted to hear your thoughts on the–”

“Bullshit you were in the area, Ronnie. I saw you jump the second you saw me. You were waiting for me.”

“Be that as it may–”

“Fuck you.”

Harvey walked off. Ronnie chased after him.

Continue reading “A short break from a busy but otherwise pleasurable day”

Vivre dangereusement… jusqu’au bout!

a parody of advertisement, written by Amérique Nakamura

He looked out the window. He saw up to the horizon. He cursed under his breath.

“Shit. Shit.”

Belmondo rushed out the room to the hall down the steps and into the kitchen and to Mrs. Franz.

She sat at the kitchen table. Legs crossed across the dusty surface. Feet up. Book in her hands.

Belmondo breathed heavy and said, “Mrs. Franz.”

Continue reading “Vivre dangereusement… jusqu’au bout!”


The following is a translated, unpublished submission to the July 1977 edition of the French literary magazine La Crime. It’s author, Amérique Nakamura, is in hiding and wanted for crimes against the state, such as bombmaking and reading.

Continue reading “L’HUMOUR NOIR”